We are the champions!!!
7:43 AM | Author: Jolena
Aaahh, sweet, sweet victory! Last night's game was AWESOME!! Everyone on my team played really well and we just had the best time. I hit a triple and a few single base hits. We had a bunch of home runs from the guys and solid base hits from all the girls as well. Pretty much we just went out there and played our best game and just dominated. We ended the game half an inning early because we were ahead. It was great!

My Championship Team!

A couple entertaining highlights:
  1. I was playing 2nd base and a girl hit her pitch high and infield. Our defensive pitcher and I both ran to get it. It didn't come quite as far as I expected, so I caught it, but with my glove about a foot from the ground and on the run. I was looking at the pitcher when I caught it, more worried about colliding with him than about the ball, so I was almost surprised when it hit my glove. Thank goodness for confidence in my ability to catch!
  2. Every game several of our guys hit home runs with the bases loaded. They go blazing around the bases, way faster than those already on base. We usually bat guy/girl back-to-back, so what always happens is the guy that hit the home run is chasing down the girl ahead of him coming from 3rd to Home. I don't know why I find it so amusing, but it's just hilarious to see my girl teammates running more to get out of the guy's way than to actually get to home. It's awesome!
  3. My teammate Mike is probably our biggest hitter. If he makes good contact, that ball is gone. The poor other team has no chance. In the 4th inning, Mike came up to bat and swung as usual at the pitch. He made contact, but not what he expected. The ball slammed into the dirt right in front of home plate and stuck. He was as surpised as the catcher, who had to scramble to get the ball out of the dirt as Mike sprinted to make it to 1st base. So funny!
  4. I was playing 2nd base again in the 5th inning. A guy hit a smoking grounder right at me. I reached down to get it, with all expectations of easily picking it up and throwing him out at 1st. To my shock, I missed it by about half an inch. I think I didn't get my glove all the way to the ground and it slipped right under it. The thing that made the play funny was when my boyfriend Bill started laughing at me from the sideline where he was watching. I guess the look of shock on my face was so pronounced he could see it from halfway across the field and it cracked him up. Not my most shining moment, but so very funny!
We switch up who is 1st or 3rd base coach. I look so enthralled here. :)

Me up to bat. I think I have pretty good technique, even though I just started playing 2 months ago. At least I hope so...

My roommates and I after our game earlier this week.

So to end the already fantastic evening on a high note, my bishop sent us all out to Coldstone for ice cream on the ward's dime. What a great guy! I guess that's a perk of having a ward team. Go Alta 56!
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On August 8, 2008 at 7:50 PM , Kelly & Tasha said...

Congrats and Way To Go!!!!

On August 14, 2008 at 10:24 AM , Kirst said...

Woohoo, Congratulations. I wish we were closer and could come and cheer you on, and see that rare look of shock that crossed your face. Other than that one missed catch I'm sure you were incredible out there.